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A member registered Apr 03, 2020

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Ahah I actually asked aboy Cooper to draw him too :D Not that I am good at it, drawing just brings me joy. Thank you so much for your detailed description! Our conversation was very pleasant to me :)

I suppose some people just do not know when they need to pipe down :<

Gosh you are so sweet I`m crying (again lolol) Your work is great and so many people adore and appreciate it! You are working hard and there is a piece of you in every writing so please never doubt yourself :) Oh well and if you don`t mind me asking I would like to know a little bit more about Coopers appearance. Only if it`s no trouble or boredom for you, of course.

I'm here to say that your creation is one of the most enjoyable, touching and heartwarming novel I have ever played. I do not know how you did that but I really wanted to cry at the end of it (not because I was sad ofc) really spoke to my soul I guess. Thank you so much for creating and sharing! Good luck with future projects!!! <3 (srry for my eng)